Upcoming Events


Take a drive. Make a difference.

LeMay - America's Car Museum 2702 East D Street, Tacoma, WA, United States

Convene the Corvettes, gather the Gear Heads, muster the Mustangs! Drive on over to donate to the 2021 Holiday “Drive” at LeMay – America’s Car Museum. We invite you to stay and display your cars on the Anderson Plaza to show your community support! Invite your car club to meet up at the Museum on […]

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Car Club Spotlight: The History of Porsche

LeMay - America's Car Museum 2702 East D Street, Tacoma, WA, United States

Jay Gillotti, Historian for the Pacific Northwest Region chapter of the Porsche Club of America, will provide a basic overview of Porsche family and company history.  This will include both pre-World War II and post-war projects, design, and manufacturing.  We will also discuss the type numbering system and car names, basic model histories, and significant […]

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