General ACM Tour
Visit featured exhibits and hear insider information about the ACM Collection.
Maximum of 120 participants.
Specialized Talks
Stories from the Road
Step back in time to discover history, culture and technology of the early to mid-1900s from actors in period costume.
Maximum of 30 participants.
Download curriculum guide
Car Care and Careers
Learn the process of inspecting and researching a vehicle for authenticity, methods used for preservation and tips for obtaining employment within the automotive industry.
Limited availability on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Maximum of 60 participants.
Curriculum guide coming soon
Hands-on Programs
Stylish Speed
Explore the design of a vehicle’s exterior body. Learn what makes a car aerodynamic and how its style is reflective of its time period.
Maximum of 120 participants.
Download curriculum guides:
Powerful Propulsion
Look under the hood to see how automotive technology has advanced over time. Compare energy sources and hypothesize what fuels may power vehicles in the future.
Maximum of 120 participants.
Download curriculum guide.
Science of Car Safety
Compare the safety features of vehicles and review science concepts behind precautions such as seatbelts.
Maximum of 60 participants.
Download curriculum guide.
Contact: Education Department – [email protected] | 253.683.3978