By Francesca Steele, ACM Education Volunteer
In 1985, I acquired a 1958 Studebaker Silver Hawk. Restoring it was the pride and joy of my life until my kids came along. But trying to install a wire harness under the dash while seven months pregnant with my second child proved too challenging so I decided to wait until my “˜baby days’ were behind me before finishing her up.
In between that time, I volunteered for school activities like cookie drives and Christmas plays, the Cub Scouts then eventually the Boy Scouts. I found my joy again as a Boy Scout merit badge counsellor for: Automotive Maintenance, Traffic Safety, Model Building and Design and as a volunteer at ACM for these programs.
Along with the Pinewood Derby track and Art Explosion Adventure pin for Cub Scouts ACM has also added the Girl Scout Car Care Badge for Seniors. I was a Girl Scout myself and would have sold a truckload of cookies to attend this program.
I love having the opportunity to work with the scouts on their badges and pins as a volunteer at ACM and seeing their appreciation grow for the hobby that I myself have loved for so many years. I hope you enjoy reading my blog post about one of those experiences and if you are interested in having this much scouting fun just email [email protected] to set up your own Boy Scout / Girl Scout day at ACM.
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