By William Hall, The Drive Home veteran
Day five saw the crew of The Drive Home III heading east out of Birmingham, Alabama, on the winding roads of Rt. 78 through the Talladega National Forest, briefly skirting the horrendous traffic on the I-285 loop around Atlanta, given reprieve this Sunday morning only by the fine local folk and their staunch churchgoing attendance.
We are in NASCAR country, and we will log about 300 miles today before reaching Greenville, South Carolina. It’s a great opportunity to rotate in and out of the cars for the journalists and staff that are taking these classic vehicles all the way to the Motor City. I take a turn in the El Camino, as everyone is eager to get seat time in “my” Camaro, which was easily the sportiest of the bunch on-track at the Barber Motorsports Park the previous day. Continue reading “The Drive Home III: Days five and six – the heart of NASCAR”
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